Shaped by the prophetic
We have been shaped by this gift and believe that prophetic input is crucial in providing ongoing direction an encouragement to us as churches and as a movement.
Of all the spiritual gifts detailed in scripture, it seems that Paul gives the prophetic gift more attention than the any of the other grace gifts. One of the possible reasons for this may have been Paul’s own experience of the great benefit of having recognized prophets around him – men such as Silas, Agabus and others.
Acts 13 gives us an insight into the impact when gifted leaders gathered together in Antioch for a time of prayer and fasting and the prophetic gift birthed mission into Asia Minor – “set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them”. As a result, many new church communities were birthed. This had followed Agabus’ clear word earlier about the oncoming famine all over the Roman world, triggering a great apostolically led response across the churches.
How valuable this must have been to Paul as he developed his church movement. In the same way today, we value the prophetic gift and how it has fuelled and shaped our advance into the regions beyond. We have found that prophetic words are essential in developing a clear vision for our worldwide mission and the growth of the local church.
Our common desire is to see every church among us established as a loving, prayerful, worshiping community that is centred on Jesus, deeply rooted in the Word of God and fully empowered by the Holy Spirit, in order to be effective witnesses in our local communities and across the nations.
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