
Celebrating diversity

We work hard to break down every division and bring together those who are separated by age, ethnicity, language, culture, economic status, class, education and gender. In this way we display God’s new humanity in Christ.

How do we become more intentional about diversity in the world today, when we are bombarded with division and segregation? How do we turn the tide on mono-culturalism, gender-discrimination, nationalism, tribalism, classism, economic discrimination, Colonialism, Nepotism?

We need the gospel to grip our hearts afresh and enable us to become powerful ministers of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18-19). Jesus has broken down in his flesh every dividing wall of hostility, he has abolished the law and created one new man in Christ out of the two, by making peace to reconcile us to God and to one another. We, therefore, have access to the Father by the Spirit, are fellow citizens of Gods kingdom, members of his household and are being built into a temple for the indwelling of His Spirit (Ephesians 2: 11-22).

We , therefore, aspire to be a bridge-building, diverse gathering of believers, that seek to be a prophetic sign to the world of the wisdom and power of the gospel, that brings a vibrant richness in diversity, where each individual is loved and valued and shows the multi-faceted character of God, bringing Him great glory.


Our common desire is to see every church among us established as a loving, prayerful, worshiping community that is centred on Jesus, deeply rooted in the Word of God and fully empowered by the Holy Spirit, in order to be effective witnesses in our local communities and across the nations.



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