In recent weeks, Pete, Harold & Camy (all part of the Regions Beyond sphere of churches) were sent by Fusi, of Citygates, to spend time with 12 students from North India to lay foundations, teach them the values of Regions Beyond, and encourage them in church planting. They were joined by leaders from across North India, gathered with the help of partners at the Proclamation Trust (who are helping Regions Beyond with church planting in the region).
What were you praying for on this mission trip?
We prayed for the students to be impacted and released, especially for Camy, myself, and Harold to work well together. We prayed we would be Spirit-led as we brought the teachings. We didn’t just want it to be imparting knowledge but truly having a spiritual impact. We were hoping for God also to make it clear if these guys were with us and would be ready to plant churches with RB (Regions Beyond). God far exceeded our expectations. The students were truly impacted with new knowledge and released into the things of the Spirit. Six were baptised in the Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time. We saw spiritual healing as well as physical healing.
What was teamwork like on this mission trip?
Working with Camy and Harold was such a joy as we have known each other for 24-plus years collectively; that friendship and knowledge added up to 70-plus years of friendship and experience. We tag-teamed the whole time and complemented each other really well. We had a lot of fun, but we also had such an impact on the students. Each of us had different gifts, which helped us in covering one another’s weaknesses. Harold always had a story to tell, Camy was full of faith, and each of us was able to encourage the students prophetically.
Can you share some highlights?
All of the students were impacted. A couple of them received more; one person in particular who had been reluctant to come to South Kerala (Vikram) received a total blasting from the Holy Spirit. Not only did he speak in tongues for the first time, but he also stepped out in prophecy. He was also healed of a back problem via a word of knowledge from one of the other students. We saw his arm and leg grow as both had been shorter than the other due to an accident. This was a guy who had been imprisoned in his location and had two churches locked up by the RSS in Uttar Pradesh. He will never be the same again.
Another guy, Amiel from Assam, also spoke in tongues for the first time. He had two older brothers whom he looked up to, but sadly they had died an early death. He is married and is trusting God for a baby. We were able to pray over him and see spiritual healing from the relationships in his life. We prayed over him and his wife over the blockages coming against them. There was a total release in him as we prayed for physical and spiritual healing. Faith was impacted and there was a complete release of joy. He was overcome with laughter as God began to heal and release him. His face was totally different by the end.
All of the students testified of how much they had learned, in particular the teaching on grace. They had never understood it before. The values of Regions Beyond had such an impact on them. A few of them said, “we were never taught this in Bible college.”
They were majorly impacted by beginning to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy, and words of knowledge. They all said this will have a big impact on their ministry as we demonstrated how to pray for people for healing, how to see people filled with the Spirit, and how to begin moving in the prophetic.
We truly felt so blessed to have been used by God in such a powerful way and are so grateful we went.
We realised that what we have in Regions Beyond is so special and all our members have so much to impart.